Saturday, August 27, 2005

Unscheduled Hair Cut

Apparantly the Kidlet's hair wasn't cut short enough for him. He took scissors to his hair and butchered it in an attempt to cut it shorter.

I've already shed my tears. I know, I know, every kid does it, ha ha it's so funny. Even I cut my bangs the day before my first day of Kindergarten. However I did not find this at all funny. I was devastated as I'm sure my own mother was. I have been wanting the boys to have their professional pictures taken since like.. forever. We finally had the money to do it and due to scratches on the face of each kid, we put it off for 2 weeks. This past Monday was the day we were supposed to go. He cut his hair on Sunday.

It had to be completely buzzed off. His head is shaved. He looks like one of those little shaolin monks on the show Kung Fu or like he's been sick for a very long time. I know it will grow back but needless to say, it will be months before it is anywhere to where I would have his pictures taken.

Call me vain or mean but I wanted their pictures to look nice and this just doesn't do it for me. Maybe I'll laugh about it when he's older but right now... I can't.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh no! That sucks honey, even thought it grows back. How disappointing. The boys are gorgeous and look happy and healthy!