Thursday, March 24, 2005

That's My Daddy

They think you are ten feet tall. They think you are the most wise man in the world and the super hero that keeps them safe. When you are Daddy, you are everything.

© 2005 MaiaRayne. All rights reserved.

Monday, March 21, 2005

Look who's standing!

Here's our boy standing on his own for a few seconds while he eats a cracker. He's doing really well with his standing. Going on 10 seconds or more! If you haven't noticed, I cut his bangs because they were just in his eyes sooo much. We're still waiting on a full haircut! (Not intentionally, we just haven't gotten him to the barber!)

© 2005 MaiaRayne. All rights reserved.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

1 year WBC

The Wee One had his 1-year WBC (well baby checkup) today. He's currently 18lbs., 10 oz. and 28 1/4" long. He's in the 5% and seems to be doing ok despite his decline from 50% to 5%.

The doctor gave us the name of some infant vitamins to give him and also said he should be taking about 1 bottle a day now. Ha! He's taking several and doesn't seem too fond of the sippy cup. I guess now that he can have whole milk (nothing under 2%), he might start to like taking the sipper.

Developmentally he's where he should be even though the nurse was asking 15-24 mo. questions like, "Does he say 3 words other than mama and dada?" When clearly the chart right in the office sayd 15-24 mo for 3 words other than mama and dada. She also asked if he was walking by himself. Negative. However, he is getting a little more brave and will walk around furniture with one hand or take that step to go from one piece of furniture to another. I just expect him to take off after the Kidlet any day now. He stands on his own for about 3-5 seconds now.

He got 2 shots and slept most of the afternoon. You'd think I could of been productive during that time but my projects remain unworked on. Perhaps I'll have more motivation once the Kidlet is back in school. He's currently on Spring Break (with a cold and cough).

The Wee One got 2 shots today and while I hate him getting shots, I love that he sleeps all afternoon. Here is what he did shortly after returning home.

© 2005 MaiaRayne. All rights reserved.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Happy Birthday Wee One

I can't nearly believe that another year of life has come and gone. Time seems to be moving at such a quick pace these days I can hardly keep up. You, my sweet one, have helped in that!

This first year with you has been wonderful and trying and scary and rewarding. We set out with a purpose to bring another baby into our lives and the day you were born, your father and I both knew that you were ment to be exactly with us. To be part of our family. You've grown from that tiny 5 lbs., 14oz. baby to an 18 lb. 8 oz. armful of love.

This year you've learned how to become mobile (oh boy!) and your vocabulary seems to be increasing every day. Of course it just could seem that way because you're beginning to babble incessantly. You actually play with toys and you light up when your brother walks into the room.

Our first year started off rough. You were my colicky baby. I felt incredibly helpless when you were cry through the night and not stop. You haven't let go of your stranger anxiety that you seemed to have been born with. It took you a long while to even warm up to your Daddy. No one but Mama would do for you. I can't say that I was terribly upset by this beause nothing made me feel more special than being the only one that you wanted to hold you. Even at times when it would of been so convient for you to go with Daddy!

Despite your reserved nature around others, you're really coming out of your shell at home. I didn't think you were ever going to laugh and now that you are it just tickles me to hear it. You enjoy crawling away from us as fast as you can and I know that despite your fear of standing, it will be any day now that you are going to be running from us. I'd like to say I can hardly wait to see you walk, but you are already growing so fast that I think I'd be ok with waiting a little longer before you can start using those legs of yours to run from me!

They say you aren't supposed to compare your children, but I can't help it. I compare you to your brother all the time. There are so many things that are alike about you two and so many things that are different. You are like your Daddy. You're more quiet and reserved and loyal. You don't allow just anyone in your protective circle and those around you who are feel privledged. You have certain smiles for certain people and I can tel that your brother gets the best ones. It touches my heart to see how the two of you have bonded and I know that your Daddy and I made the right choice in deciding to bring you into our lives. We didn't want your brother to ever be alone and now we feel secure that he will have someone wonderful to lean on.

Taking care of you is a joy. It doesn't always feel that way, but it is. Even in my darkest times of frustration and fatigue I know deep in my heart that I was ment to do this. I was ment to be your Mama and to take care of you. Even if I don't understand why. I'm trying to stop questioning the why and just know that it is so. You've changed me as a mother and I didn't expect that. I thought that I knew what I was doing and that it would just be repeating the days of when your brother was a baby. It's not!

I'm listening to you right now babble, "ma ma ma ma ma" and I'm not going to pretend or hide the fact that despite your first word being, "dada", you say mama alll the time. Your sweet little voice is precious and I love it.

I look to the next year that we are going to have together and I know that it is going to be an even bigger transition that the one we've just made our way through. I hope to keep my regrets down to a minimum. I just want to be the best Mama that you deserve. You've brought so much joy into the my life and the life of those who love you so much. We couldn't of possibly realized how much you would complete us. You are the heart of this family and we love you little one.

Even with as wonderful and beautiful this year has been, I know that in the blink of an eye another will have passed. I can safely say that I know it will be an even bigger adventure that we'll get through together.

Mama loves you big guy. Mwah!

© 2005 MaiaRayne. All rights reserved.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Kidlet's Rodeo

The Kindergarten classes at the Kidlet's school had a little "rodeo" on Thursday. They had cowboy games set up and the kids got to make stick horses and play around. He had a blast! He was so well behaved too and we were so proud of him. Here are just a few pictures (I took so many!) of the morning Rodeo. The cafeteria lights aren't great for picture taking but these are the best of the bunch. I also have a little mini video of him doing this wiggle dance but it's 34 megs! I wish ya'll could see it though. *giggle*

All dressed up to go Cowboy up!
© 2005 MaiaRayne. All rights reserved.

Lasso Kidlet, Lasso!
© 2005 MaiaRayne. All rights reserved.

Throwing a hula-hoop around a chair with paper horns..
© 2005 MaiaRayne. All rights reserved.

Baby brother enjoys the rodeo too!
© 2005 MaiaRayne. All rights reserved.

The Kidlet's Kindergarten Class
© 2005 MaiaRayne. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Such a handsome man! *tear*

Can you not see how incredibly good looking he's going to be as a teenager and man? Of course you can because he's incredibly good looking now! *mwah from Mommy!*
© 2005 MaiaRayne. All rights reserved.

How is it that my first baby boy has grown up so fast. He's like becoming a man or something!
© 2005 MaiaRayne. All rights reserved.