The doctor gave us the name of some infant vitamins to give him and also said he should be taking about 1 bottle a day now. Ha! He's taking several and doesn't seem too fond of the sippy cup. I guess now that he can have whole milk (nothing under 2%), he might start to like taking the sipper.
Developmentally he's where he should be even though the nurse was asking 15-24 mo. questions like, "Does he say 3 words other than mama and dada?" When clearly the chart right in the office sayd 15-24 mo for 3 words other than mama and dada. She also asked if he was walking by himself. Negative. However, he is getting a little more brave and will walk around furniture with one hand or take that step to go from one piece of furniture to another. I just expect him to take off after the Kidlet any day now. He stands on his own for about 3-5 seconds now.
He got 2 shots and slept most of the afternoon. You'd think I could of been productive during that time but my projects remain unworked on. Perhaps I'll have more motivation once the Kidlet is back in school. He's currently on Spring Break (with a cold and cough).
The Wee One got 2 shots today and while I hate him getting shots, I love that he sleeps all afternoon. Here is what he did shortly after returning home.

© 2005 MaiaRayne. All rights reserved.
hehehe I love those pictures!
they're supposed to have 8 words other than mama and dada at one yaar, and 50 words by the age of 18-24 months.
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