My babies are growing up! I can't believe how big they have gotten. I know it has been a while since I have updated but nothing has been going on with the boys other than they have gotten over colds and coughs and gotten them really only have a week or so of feeling better. I know you all must be sick of hearing about their constant sickness but there it is. That's all that has been going on.
For those of you who don't know (Sorry Stacy, I lost your email!!) The Wee One was weaned from the breast at 10 months old. I weaned him the month of December and by January he was bottle only. He's now off formula and taking milk. No I haven't started to wean him off the bottle yet. He hates sippies but I'm sure one of these weeks I'm going to get fed up and box up all the bottles and he'll either have to take a sippy or starve. Sounds harsh!! I hate weaning from the bottle. I didn't seem like a big deal with the Kidlet except for a bottle in the crib at bedtime. The Wee One doesn't have that problem! So I don't know why it feels so much harder this time. I was looking at a baby/parenting magazine today and it had soo many breast feeding adverts in it. It made me miss that time with the baby. I'm glad he's off the breast now too though. There are always pros and cons!
I have soooooo many pictures to show you because.... Wee One got his first hair cut!! I'm sobbing. His long locks are gone and boy were they long. Leave it to me to forget to take pictures of him in the barber chair. Not that I could of anyway with the way he was clinging to me. That boy does not like him some strangers! I didn't get any right "before" pics. Figures. I did get some locks of his hair for his baby book!
I didn't get as many of the Kidlet because he didn't want his picture taken. Strange. He's usually such a ham. I guess it has to do with the fact that he seems to like running around naked now. He takes off his clothes first chance he gets. He's never been like that as a toddler so I don't know why the behavior now. Normally, thankfully, he runs around in underware. I don't care really when he's just at home.
Ok there's tons of pics, sorry for the slow load time!
Here are some random pictures. I'll try to get more of the Kidlet. I didn't realize I didn't have as many of him!! I don't know what ones are repeats for you, if any, so I apologize if I have posted any of these before.